Sunday, April 3, 2022

Their Own Beat

Saw these cranes marching to their own beat when I was out getting steps on this lovely 48-degree day. I didn't understand what they were singing, but that's been the nature of my day.

It didn't take 10 minutes into the Grammys before I realized I'm old. I shouldn't say I blame my age. Maybe I blame Sirius radio since it gives me permission to listen to my Eighties music over anything new. 

Either way, I don't get it. So I'll blog and go back to the TV and switch it to Bridgerton. Then I'll be the one singing. Uff da!

Other than the "music" it was a quiet day. Went to church. Then my friend Cindy and I checked out the Stevens Point area art fair. It was held in the former ShopKo building in Plover, which has totally been transformed into a hip space. Check it out sometime. Brewery, coffee shop and more.

Since we were "in the neighborhood" legitimately, we treated ourselves to a cool treat. King Cone is open in Plover but not the other locations yet. So don't get too excited, Rapids friends. You seriously can work it into any minor road trip that way. Guilt free.

That's my kind of jam.

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