Friday, October 14, 2022

Flaky Friday

It was so cold at yesterday's football game. Despite the hot streak that is our Assumption Royals this year – they won 76-0 and remain undefeated in conference play for the season! Whoa – it was frigid on the sidelines. My camera didn't like it and neither did I. 

Was winter coming early? I didn't think so.

I was astonished this morning when my family Up North was texting pictures of overnight snow. Like enough to cover the ground and then some. So I may have been a little too early with my sarcastic "haha, it's not doing anything here."

Mid-morning, the flakes arrived. It was kind of pretty seeing them pile up on the green pine branches with the colorful red-ish fall leaves in the background. But then...

No. There is something wrong with this picture! It's October 14. Stay in your lane, Ol' Man Winter!

You know who else wasn't happy?

Here's a clue.

Remember the mantra: If Mr. Deck Chair ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

At least it didn't stick around. Hubby is on his way back from Indianapolis and the last thing he needs is to drive into a winter-weather system in mid-October. 

But since it is Christmas-like and he won't be home for a couple hours, I better sign off and catch a Hallmark movie while the house – and remote – is mine! 

Stay warm, everyone!

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