Tuesday, October 18, 2022

TGIF - A Tad Early

It's one thing to pretend to live every day like it's Friday. It's another to look at the calendar, see it's technically Tuesday, but know in your heart it's actually Friday! In other words, hello weekend! A tad early.

Since I'm leaving early Thursday morning in order to see my mom on the way (not really, but close enough) to sister weekend, I really need to get my stuff together Wednesday night. Since I'm going to the Book of Mormon musical Wednesday night, I'd really need to get my stuff together in that small 90-minute window after work.

So I says to myself, "Self, take the afternoon off." By noon today I says to myself, "Self, just take all of Wednesday off and call it a weekend." So I am. And so it IS Friday and I'll have my pre-weekend weekend day tomorrow to get stuff together plus run errands that aren't even related to the weekend. Yay me and myself and I! 

We make good group decisions.

If the logical side of you wonders why I couldn't just get my act together tonight. Well... I had a very necessary deep-tissue massage after work. Then...

Round 1 of volleyball playoffs, of course! Our Lady Royals defeated Rib Lake 3-0 so they're moving onto Round 2 of Regionals on Thursday. I'll be out of town so I gave an extra hug to my favorite senior! 

Now I better commence to picture editing. I know I can sleep in tomorrow but still, l have a long "to do" list, which may or may not include sneaking in one Hallmark movie while I have the house to myself. Yup hubby's Friday is today too and he's flying off tomorrow with our brown-eyed bandits to see The Who in Portland, Oregon.

In case you were wondering, yes, we old folks know how to weekend around here! TGIF!

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