Sunday, October 16, 2022

Yabba Dobber Do

Celebrating a couple of things today. Hubby got leaves picked up and I got my hanging baskets and hooks and junk (ha) put away. It was chillier than yesterday but we wanted to cross it off our lists. I guess we had some post-church motivation! Yay.

We relaxed a bit this afternoon while checking football scores. And...

SKOL! It wasn't televised here so we'll have to have long-distance excitement over that one.

My winning ways continued though. I picked up my friend Jenny and we went to Assumption to play BINGO. OK it's been decades since I played so I didn't it was so fancy will all kinds of different rules and patterns and stuff. Lot to keep track of. Luckily we had BINGO mentors in the table next to us. (Thanks, Sean and Michelle!)

I figured out 4 Corners. BINGO! So that was cool. 

I had to split the pot with another winner, though, so I just got $10. But a win is a win!! And my orange dobber was fun and cool, too. I know. I am officially an old lady BINGO dork!

I was THIS close to winning the Martini Glass round. I'm telling you, they have everything!

Jenny was hoping for a Blackout win (or orange-out) but we both fell short. Still, we both agreed we're going to have to do this again. I mean we have to use those dobbers up! 

Plus, it's for a good cause. No, not to give our hubbies peace and quiet – but support a fundraiser. Today was for the junior class. Not sure what future ones are for, but pay attention to the school newsletters and social posts so you don't miss the next game day.

We might even let you sit with us at the cool kids table!

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