Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Transition

The trees in our yard are trying to be sneaky but I see what they're doing! They're ready to make like chameleons and change color. And it will be simply gorgeous when they do. But...

I'm not ready for the big transition. Unless it's accompanied by this lovely weather we had yesterday and today. I was outside for awhile but Mr. Deck Chair concurred it wasn't as warm as yesterday. Still, I was determined to relax on the day of rest.

We got up early so we could watch the Vikings before church. They played in London and the game started at 8:30 a.m. our time. I missed the second half while I was at church. (I did sneak a peek in the choir loft, though. Shhh.) And had to watch the ending on my phone after church. 

W for WHEW and WIN!! Ugly again, but we'll take it!

After the game was done, I met with my confirmation student that I'm mentoring. I continue to learn more from her than I can teach. It's awesome.

Then it was mostly a day of relaxing and putting my mind at rest over other transitions in life. (There's always people to pray for!) On the plus side, I'm transitioning out of my busy season. My last senior shoot is this week and before we know it, we'll be into playoffs mode for fall sports.

Mr. Deck Chair has kindly requested I make time for him at least one more time along the way! I will do my best.

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