Monday, January 14, 2008

Reach out and touch someone

Years ago, a phone company had the slogan: "Reach out and touch someone." I can tell you it's still a good suggestion today. Short of a personal visit, nothing beats a phone call with an old friend. The highlight of my day was getting to chat tonight with my buddy T-Dawg. Undoubtedly it will be the high point of Carter's entire week, maybe month.

My friend Tamara (a.k.a. T-Dawg on the volleyball court) moved away in the late summer. She was another one those girl friends (two words) that Carter lost to marriage. We hadn't talked to her in ages, mainly been in touch via email.

On Sunday, we were watching football playoffs. For some reason, Carter was really cheering for the Indianapolis Colts. When we asked why, he said, "Well Tamara lives there now so she's probably cheering for them."

We suggested he call her and find out. Unfortunately, that didn't turn out as planned. He got her voicemail and then literally held onto the phone for about a half hour, expecting her to call back any minute. We explained that it might take her awhile to call back. She might be working or have the phone turned off, etc. He was pretty crushed when we didn't hear from her before he went to bed.

She emailed me later that she just didn't get the message early enough to call him but that she'd call him Monday night. She did call. And while I did get to catch up for a few minutes, I had to turn over the phone to an anxious 9-year-old.

He took the call in our "office" with the door mostly closed. I don't know what they had to talk about for a half hour but Carter never seems to be at a loss for words. The one time I walked by the room, I heard him giving Tamara what sounded like a play by play of the end of the Colts game.

Poor T-Dawg. I appreciate the sacrifices for the sake of friendship! I don't think she minded, though. Take it from me, it would be pretty lonely in a Carter-less world. And for Carter and me, we know one phone call can sure fill a lonely spot in our hearts.

Shut the computer off and call a friend. The sound of your voice may just put a smile on their face all week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooohhhh! It made my whole day/week too! :) What an amazing kid you have Robyn! I could talk to him forever. I did get a play-by-play of the football games, some advice on selecting a new computer, and a discussion of running and how Carter and you did at your races last summer! :) It was wonderful! Thanks to both of you for thinking of me!
