Wednesday, June 6, 2012

All in a Day's Work

On his second day of summer vacation, Carter had to get up at 6 a.m. like Mom and Dad so he could ride with us to Iola. He had a big day ahead.

First stop was the Fitness & Aquatic Center to meet with his summer boss. Yes, he has a job! He will be working part time there, doing everything from helping with swimming lessons to serving as a "junior counselor" at Kidz Camp. When he is not working, per se, he will be participating in the Adventures In Leadership program again. Busy boy! All this and baseball 5 days a week in June and July. Ha.

After his job meeting, he came over to work with us. I think for once he was jealous of my job in the classic car division. Can you see why?

He got to spend the morning with our editor Angelo, cruising in his '55 Cadillac and seeing millions, yes millions, of dollars worth of cars in a collection near Iola. Then he and Angelo let a parade of classic cars that were part of the Freedom Road Rally back to our old car show grounds.

No, he didn't drive it, but Angelo let him sit behind the wheel! He was drooling alright! And thinking how he is making his older brother Casey (owner of a '85 Caddy) jealous!
He's saying, "Just two more years and I can drive this!" I'm saying, "You better keep saving those cans!"

The other part of the experience is that he had my camera with him and took photos of many of the cars participating in the group touring around the country. Since I am the online editor for our transportation division, I got to post those photos for all to see! And give him his first photography credit, of course.

Check out the album on Facebook. This is a "public" page so you can get onto it without creating a Facebook account:

Enjoy what for some of us, is all in a day's work!

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