Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day of Rest

The myth that Sunday is a day of rest doesn't always hold true around here. Had quite the full schedule today.

Church at 8 then off to to the ballpark for a few hours to work concessions and do some field work (well Carter helped pick up garbage anyway). Hubby had to stay on a few more hours to help. Carter and I came home. I worked out to Jillian Michaels, took a shower, then we headed over to Jim's sister's house for Colin's graduation party.

Had a nice time. Casey came home from Eau Claire so he could join us, too. The temps were as hot as yesterday but the breeze and shade helped. It was a nice party. We're proud of that kid!

Got home just in time to watch the season finale of Mad Men. So I am blogging during a commercial and keeping this short.

I noticed a pile of stories I meant to edit this weekend for work. Ugh. If this is a day of rest, no wonder Mondays are so miserable!

Better get some rest.

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