Monday, June 11, 2012

A Penny Saved...

There's something to be said for details. After seeking out all that advice on how to save a wet iPod, I find out now it's all for naught.

When did Carter discover his iPod had gone through the wash? Uhm, that would be when he was folding his clothes.... AFTER they had gone through the washer AND the dryer. Just a little detail that would have been nice to know.

Of course, that means his iPod is basically fried. Little chance of survival. But we'll keep it in the bag of rice for a week, just in case.

Now it pretty goes without saying that his Cans For Carter Fund is going to be earmarked for something different. You might recall it initially was for a go-kart, then he thought maybe a car... now it's an iPod Touch, which is an expensive upgrade from his regular iPod.

He's actually closer to saving $200 than I am, that's sad to say. Of course, he just had a birthday and graduation so he's got some pennies saved.

In fact, he counted out his paper money and big coins and realized he has a lot of pennies. A lot. So yesterday he started sorting them by year -- to see if he had one from each year, etc. Today, since he had it "off," he slept in until 11 then got back on the "project" this afternoon. Now that he has them all stacked he doesn't know what he's going to do with them. Put them in special containers, a book, what?

I've got an idea. How about helping us buy a new sump pump?

Oh yes, today helpful Carter did some laundry again and flooded the basement again.If he thinks this is going to give him a free pass from laundry, he's got another thing coming.

No free passes.

Better keep saving those pennies.

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