Friday, June 1, 2012

And We're Off...

My plan today was to take the day off so I could join hubby on his last day of vacation and, with any luck, do something fun together. You know what they say about the best-laid plans...

Ugh. Day did not turn out how I had planned, but in the end it was as good as I could have wanted.

First half of the day I honestly spent working, trying to solve a problem and complete a project via email... lots of email. Unfortunately, by noon, the only thing I had accomplished on my list of things to do was changing the calendar. And that wasn't even on my list. I just did it and said to Jim, "Now I can say I accomplished something."

Well he had a list, too. So while I finally went grocery shopping, he mowed the front yard. When I came home, he took off for Wisconsin Dells to pick up Carter so he'd back in time for his first tournament game. Meanwhile, I had to hem his new baseball pants -- by 6 1/2  inches -- in time for that first game, too. That was a challenge for this undomestic goddess. And while I measured and hemmed evenly, they are too short because he wore them low on the hips last night, which is not how you end up wearing them with a belt and your uniform top tucked in. Grr. So I am in desperate need of a seamstress this week to re-hem that, now another inch longer.

One of the positives today is that my friend Christine came over in the afternoon and we got a nice walk by the lake in -- plus some nice visiting. After she left, I sat out on the back deck and got some sun while launching into my new book.... you know the one I'm talking about. It arrived in my mailbox this week!

I only had a half hour to sun, then I had to get ready so Jim and Carter could pick me up on the way to Plover (about 15-20 minutes east of here). As a spectator, I have to say they have an awesome ballpark set up over there. Nice fields, seating and concessions. They even serve King Cone. Not kidding!

It turned out to be a great first game out of the gate for the 2012 summer baseball tournament season! We ended up winning 8-4 with Carter making the last catch in right field to end the game. Whew.

He played second base quite a bit and then 2 innings in right field. He had a good game defensively but struggled a bit on offense with two strikeouts and a pop-up out. Bummer. He felt pretty good after the game, though, knowing he got some great outs and that ultimately, we won.

Now we turn around and play at 9 a.m. -- with batting practice at 7 a.m.

Oh yes, summer ball is here and we're off and running!

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