Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hump Day Headlines

Some short items on the longest day...

It's Not the Heat: I know what they mean about that humidity. It's crushing at times. Today, when we got out of the car at work, it was already hot and humid. We're talking 79 degrees at 7:30 a.m. It was 90 by early afternoon. When I went to workout at the fitness center, it was one of those days where the steering wheel in the car was too hot to touch. Yikes. That's our introduction to summer!

Foul Line: Tonight I took Carter and a teammate to baseball tournament team practice. Thanks to a stiff breeze, it was not as hot as earlier in the day. In fact, I was just fine parking my lawn chair in the shade to read my book for 90+ minutes. There's something incredibly sneaky and naughty to sit in the middle of a ballpark complex reading a 50 Shades of Grey book. Did I cross the line? Maybe. It's not like I read out loud. A couple of dads commented their wives were reading it, too. Ha. Can't get away with anything!

IGNORE-ance is Bliss: I learned today 14 is that magic age a teen boy is embarrassed by his mother. I walked out of the fitness center after my workout and he sat not 20 feet away and did not say "hi." I honestly didn't even see him until I got in the car. Then, when I drove by him (and the girls he was lunching with), he held up a magazine in front of his face like he was busy reading. Nice way to ignore me. I stuck out my tongue and waved anyway. Yup. We are both very mature for our ages! I'm telling you, my mom wouldn't have put up with that at all. I might just have try it with him -- the next time he asks me for money!

Storm Stories: There was some wicked flooding up in Duluth today. Water in streets, roads washed away. Crazy. Now there is a huge, huge line of storms guaranteed not to miss us. So I better log off before the electricity forces me to.

Happy Summer Solstice!

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