Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Against the Wind

I'm going to try something new. Since I know I will never have time to post all my pictures from our wonderful New England vacation, I am going to feed them to you one or two at a time... finding something relevant to blog about related to the photo. It sounds like this could almost be inspirational -- but let's not put any pressure on the author here...

On our last full day of vacation, we took the car ferry from Port Kent, N.Y., across Lake Champlain to Burlington, Vermont. Since we arrived at the dock more than an hour early (just to be sure to get our tickets), we had time to wander around the marina. And, naturally, take some pictures.

It was windy that day and I was concerned about how the ferry would do in the rough waters. You know me, gotta find something to fret about! When I noticed this gull on a dock post, I realized he had bigger things to worry about than me.

How does this little bird, with its beak facing the wind and the power of that invisible force ruffling his feathers, even manage to stand on his own two legs? Spindly little legs at that. How does he face such adversity and still successfully take off and manage forward flight progress?

He must have some help.

We often hear and say the phrase: “God won’t give you more than you can handle." Sometimes we are encouraging a friend or loved one going through a tough time. Sometimes we say it to convince ourselves we can handle whatever is thrown our way.

While I always thought it was an actual scripture quote, I've recently learned it is not. It's actually somewhat of a misquote we've all interpreted.

The words of support stem from I Corinthians 10:13, which actually reads: No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

God won't let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Temptation and adversity are not the same thing, so as luck would have it -- we can be assured that He will likely give us more than we can handle. On our own, that is. The message that He will provide "a way out" is encouraging, though, in any situation.

Sometimes that "way out" is prayer. Other times it's friends and family. Other times, we find the answer in our own heart.

I have several friends right now who feel they are going against the wind. They can't control the strength or velocity of it, but they are trying to find a way to stay airborne. While they may doubt their ability, I don't. And neither does God. They are strong women. And smart enough to know they don't have to face anything alone.

There's nothing like a friend to smooth the rough waters...

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