Saturday, October 6, 2012

Playng it Cool

I feel badly for any kids having to compete in this more-than-chilly fall weather today. Not to mention their dedicated athletic supporters, bundled up on the sidelines and bleachers.

It was 38 degrees with winds 10-20 mph when Carter went to his cross country meet. We got lucky this one was hosted by Lincoln H.S. in Rapids and held at The Ridges golf course, just 5 minutes from home. I prepared myself well -- long underwear under heavy sweat pants, a turtleneck, sweatshirt and jacket AND, most importantly, hand warmer packets in my shoes and gloves.

I felt comfortable, but when you see these pictures of Carter, you're just gonna wanna grab a blanket or hot toddy.
If you couldn't see Carter in the mass of JV runners (top photo), here he is at the start.

There were 20 schools I think from everywhere from Tomah and Manitowoc (seen here) to Eagan, Minnesota.
In his first trip by us, he was already falling behind. He just didn't seem on pace.
Of course, we later learned his right knee was hurting. But as long as he was passing people, I figured he was fine.
What I liked about the golf course setup was that the runners passed by spectator areas in many places.
Cold yet?
Where did his gloves go?? Anyway, his finishing time was the slowest since his first few weeks. But at least he finished strong and didn't finished last.
Just another look at the bundled up spectators! B-r-r-r.
Besides Carter and team Royal, we also got to see our friend and former co-worker Jeff and cheer on his daughter, who was running varsity for Stevens Point. Also got to take pictures for my friend Becky, whose daughter was running varsity for Wisconsin Rapids. That was fun.

After we came home and warmed up, I did go out for a short 2-mile run -- I think just to prove I can run in this weather, too. Ha. Then Jim, Carter and friend Tyler and I all went up to the theater in Stevens Point to watch the movie Trouble with the Curve.

Oh, Clint Eastwood, you never disappoint me! Jim and I both enjoyed it. And no, we did not make the boys sit by us. (I wasn't gonna share my popcorn!) They said they liked the movie as well.

Dropped Tyler off and now we're home, wondering if at 7:30 at night it's not too late to be productive. Since Jim's Reds start their playoff game in a half hour, I don't think that's gonna happen. Might have to hit the hot tub, though, before snuggling under the blankets for the night.

I still can't get warm enough. And this is only fall! Sigh...

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