Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Patience is a Virtue-al

With modern technology, if you can keep up with it, everything is so fast! But ohmigosh, when it's not working, I have so little patience it's not even funny!

Today at work some program on our websites wasn't working and no one seemed in a hurry to fix it even though I (and I'm sure others) needed to get some content online. I just kept going back to it every half hour to see if it was working and no, not yet.

Tonight, after a frustrating day at work, it still wasn't working on my work Mac but it works on my home PC. Why it does, I have no idea. But at least I got two hours of work done before Modern Family came on at 8!

So I am watching that and blogging during commercials because I am a chronic multi-tasker. I think it comes with the speed of everything else. Just gotta go, go, go!

Unless you're my computer! Sigh... With all the things that exist in the Virtual Reality world of technology, you'd think I'd find patience somewhere. Maybe it's just on PCs and not Macs. You think?.

Show's back on. Gotta log off so I can check laundry during the next commercial set!

Go, go, go!

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