Friday, October 26, 2012

TGIFF (Thank God it's a Free Friday)

Back when Carter was younger and far less judgmental of his parents, he actually enjoyed spending his days off of school with Mom. Well that honeymoon's over.

Today he was off from school so I used up a vacation day to spend with him. That's not quite how it went.

I got him up at 10 as he requested. I had a yummy warm blueberry Butter Braid waiting for him. Then we went our separate ways. We actually both had productive days. He got his homework all done and I got some "fall cleaning" done -- yes, I do windows occasionally -- and even got a 4-mile run in when I went to pick up the car after an oil change.

So I guess we each had our own "free" day. Can't really complain about that. It's just a lot more fun snuggling on the couch watching 'Finding Nemo" together!

Tonight he is gone to a "party" -- well bonfire -- at a friend's. That's our typical life now. He has the social life and I am snuggling on the couch with myself, watching a movie.

Time's change. At least the couch is still comfortable!

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