Sunday, October 7, 2012


It seemed I was going in so many different directions today I could almost call it a productive day. Almost.

Went to early church with Carter then headed to Plover and Stevens Point for some shopping. Trust me, I am not a casual shopper. Just shop when we need something. In this case, Carter needed some casual shoes  for school (since he's outgrown the ones I bought in June) and some khaki pants for school (since it is getting cold AND he's outgrown the ones from last school year).

We found some khakis -- and some jeans since he has outgrown those, too. I guess I should be happy he is growing! Only my pocketbook objects.

Naturally, when we're shopping, we end up buying something we didn't plan to... you know how that goes.

We noticed some drawer/shelf units and Carter -- who is still awaiting his birthday dresser 5 months later -- said he liked it. Not that I didn't trust hubby to assemble it (he just had rotten luck with the initial birthday dresser in May), but Carter and I decided to put it together ourselves. It really took less than half an hour and was very easy!

The plus side is that he finally has a dresser instead of living out of a tote. (He never complained, honest.) The plus plus side is that this prompted him to clean and organize his room. I now have a tote filled with clothes that don't fit plus "toys" he's too old for. So I can price those at my leisure for the spring garage sale. His room does seem more "roomy" now, too.

While he was working on that, I did my Saturday chores a day late again. Then I went for a run. I have a 5-mile race coming up this Saturday and I am not trained for that. Considering I didn't run during vacation, etc. So I am behind in my fitness, that's for sure. But I went for a 4-mile run this afternoon and didn't have to stop to walk at all. Granted, it took me 44 minutes, but I was glad I didn't need a rest. Progress!

Got home in time to discover the Packers blew their lead and lost. Whoa. I did not see that coming. Too bad.

Of course, they didn't have the Vikings game on TV here so I had to keep tabs on the computer. How exciting! With our huge win over the Titans, we now have twice as many wins as we had ALL of last season! I'm a little embarrassed about that, but... SKOL!!

Tonight hubby is at a sports association meeting and Carter is doing homework. I have the entire couch, TV and remote to myself and there is NOTHING on! Maybe I should take a cue from Carter and get some room cleaning and organizing done.

Yeah, maybe.

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