Monday, October 29, 2012

That's Cool

Had an interesting drive to work today. The temperature was hovering around 19 degrees so there was pretty frost everywhere. Then, as we're driving into the slow sunrise, we can see the full moon in the rearview mirror. And it was low!

That's cool.

Is this because it's fall or because Daylight Saving Time is so late or because Hurricane Sandy is screwing up everything?? Who knows?

I do feel badly for friends and family out on the East Coast. When I see the path of this hurricane, I am so glad that even though hubby and I took our trip to New England too early for fall colors, we also were too early for the hurricane season. Whew.

We'll have our share of worrying when snowstorms head our way... hopefully not for a few months!

Tonight, since it was too cold and too dark to go running, Carter worked on homework and I worked on a "cool" project. I love using my creative talents to help others when I can. Tonight I was working on some racing proposals for one of my nephews (not Colin this time). It was fun to take his info, use a bit of graphic design work and make it look "professional." It's almost ready to go. I just need to find the exact font to match his racing logo. That will be a fun challenge.

Yep, that's what I do for fun on a cold autumn night. That and pack for my next Scrap Camp -- less than 2 weeks away!

There's always something COOL going on around here...

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