Friday, October 5, 2012

TGIFFF (Thank God it's Funny Foto Friday)

It didn't really feel like a Friday today. You normally have that upbeat feeling knowing the weekend is merely hours away. But I tell you, working five whole days in a row took a lot out of me!

Oh I hear your sympathy!

No. Seriously, I was just a bit down, thinking of a couple close friends going through some serious challenges right now. They really don't need to be cheered up, per se, just made aware I am here for them, I guess.

But to cheer myself up, I decided to look at some vacation photos. Wow, I got some great photos! I don't even know where to begin with them so I figured I'd start with the weird and wacky ones...

Anyone fluent in French? We saw this road sign in Canada and while we assumed it was something about "Children at play," we wondered if they just "play dead" or what? Maybe "Quiet Zone: Our children are napping" ? 

I guess it loosely means: "Be careful of our children, they could be yours." Ok, but I still don't like that graphic. It's just a bit creepy!

We saw a lot of neat, historic items at The Old Stone House Museum in Vermont. Jim's cousins Don knew the history on this one. Apparently it was quite a tale in those parts! 

This is the famous "Fur Fish"! Legend has it, it is so cold in northern Vermont, the fish grow fur! So somebody way back when capitalized on that idea and probably charged admission for people to see it.

A dog with dreadlocks?? Yah, mon! Who knew Montpelier, Vermont, is the capitol of Groovy?

This guy drew quite a crowd outside a business appropriately called The Quirky Pet. His owner looked like a hippy (in a stereotypical way) so I wasn't sure what was up. I have since researched "dogs and dreadlocks" and have discovered there are a few breeds that grow hair that does naturally look like dreads. Again, who knew?

Another "odd" sight in Montpelier was this woman who got out of her car in front of the state capitol building and just started hula-hooping. We honestly weren't sure if she was doing it in hopes people would drop some money near by or if she was on a dare or just entertaining her kid. Not sure why you'd do that there of all places! Hmmm....
But who am I to judge? Here I am perfecting my pirouette before a triple-lutz attempt in the Olympic Center in Lake Placid! It didn't even cross my mind to be embarrassed when a lady waited to walk between us until Jim was done taking a picture of his middle-aged ballerina.I just looked at her and said, "Yes, we're tourists!" (I think my photographer was a bit embarrassed.)

Probably shouldn't be surprised then, that after 7 days on the road together, hubby pointed out this license plate. He just saw it and said, "I'm not gonna say anything."

Well that speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Good thing I have a sense of humor on both sides of the camera. Most days anyway.


Brent Frankenhoff said...

You need to find a license plate that says "Ox." Think Grumpier Old Men.

Robyn Austin said...

Exactly, Moron! I mean Putz :)