Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Anger Management

It's natural to get angry when things don't go our way.

We're frustrated with ourselves because we aren't doing something right or can't handle it. Sometimes we're mad at other people who appear to be on a mission to make our day (or lives) miserable. Other times, when patience, understanding and sanity have run their course, we are angry at God.

You don't have to be ashamed to admit it. I would hazard a guess that we've all been there.

I have a dear, dear friend who is residing there right now. She is angry because a loved one is seriously ill and God allowed it to happen. She asks, like we've all asked, "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?"

Sometimes I think it's because there's a lesson in there that someone is going to learn. Sometimes I think it's an experience that eventually will touch someone in some way that will change their lives. It could be someone you don't even know yet. Sometimes it's just a step in some strange string of events we won't figure out for some time down the road. And still other times, I have a feeling he dishes it out to those he knows can handle it.

I know my friend's loved one has a great system of support in my friend alone, plus her entire family and probably good friends, too. She's in good hands. But why does she of all people have to suffer?

Only God knows that, I told my friend.

She raises her fists in the air and wants an answer. You might not want His answer, I said. God won't give it to you anyway until He knows you're ready.

Is that frustrating? Yes. But it doesn't mean it's going to be a sad story with a tragic ending. We don't know that.

I reminded her that just 9 months ago, I had so much anxiety I could barely leave the house, let alone drive down the block. I was angry and puzzled about why it was happening. I reminded my friend, that if I hadn't been so "sick" I might not have been so adamant about getting everything checked out, and the doctor might not have found my pre-cancerous cells before they became cancerous. My months of hell became my little miracle. And who knows, there may be more to this ongoing story.

Was I angry at God during any of that? You bet. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't healing fast enough or finding his strength and confidence working through me. God eventually did do that for me. But it was on His timeline, not mine.

I have had some life experiences -- quite a few actually -- that have taken me to Hell and back. Some trips were longer than others. The important thing, the one for which I most grateful, is that I made it back.

Please say an extra prayer for my friend so she knows there will be a return trip home.

And while you're at it, why not thank Him for the times He's gotten you there, too?

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