Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rain and Darkness Delays

It was a wacky baseball day. While we were sleeping, it rained. And rained. A lot. But the sun was up and it looked like it was going to be a nice day.

We went to a mid-morning game at the nearby Kellner Fields to watch the son of some friends of ours play. Everything there was on schedule so we assumed that it would be for Carter's tournament in Pittsville.

It wasn't.

We arrived at 1 p.m. for a 2 p.m. game and the noon game hadn't started yet -- due to rain-related field maintenance. So they were behind by at least 2 hours. Let me tell you. Even though Pittsville is considered a "city," there ain't a whole lot to do there to pass the time! Hubby and I took a walk to the gas station. We took the long way there and back and managed to kill only an hour. We got lots of steps, though.

The good news is that we won that 2 p.m. (really 4 p.m.) game so we had to play at a different ball park in the city at 6 p.m. Well, they were further behind at that one, so with games shortened to just 5 innings, our boys in red started playing around 8, I think.

Carter actually pitched the first inning. He started out good and we had two outs. Then he started thinking too much and it went down hill. By the end of the first, we were down 5-1.

But I can't blame everything on him. Many missed catches and other missed opportunities added to the mix. We actually were down 9-3 at one point and battling daylight. There were no lights at this particular field. Just the scoreboard lights. Since it was a cloudy evening, it was dark by 9 and they had to call the game for "darkness."

Weird, I know.

Probably good we ended our misery since we were down 13-4 at that point. Now, however, we have to trek back first thing in the morning to finish that last 1 1/2 innings. Now that is a bit crazy. If we drive over there and don't make a miraculous comeback in that short amount of game left, then we are done for the day/weekend. No hardware. No nothing.

But one win. Which is good.

Instead of going home and sleeping, however, we still had things to do. We dropped Carter home to do laundry (his muddy uniform) and get some rest. Jim and I went to a surprise 70th birthday party for the father of some friends of ours. We know him quite well, too. We weren't there for the initial "surprise" part but we got there by 10 so got to see plenty of people we knew... and I got to dance!

That was fun. Plus I for sure got my 10,000 steps today. Yay! I guess that makes two "wins" today.

Now let's see if we can't do that again tomorrow!

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