Sunday, June 2, 2013

Points of Reference

Since I did not have access to photos when I blogged last night, I did not have an opportunity to illustrate a few of the things I talked about. Here are some photographic points of reference...

First is Dad and his dancing puppets...

It is hard to explain without looking at a photo. He had a board situated firmly under one leg. Then he'd use his thumb on the corner of the board to make it bounce up and down, thus making the wooden puppet (be it man, bear or horse) dance up and down with its legs moving and arms swinging around... all to the beat of the music of course.

It's not as easy as it looks. I think we've all tried it with only some degree of success.

Notice how he is wearing suspenders in that photo, too?

Here are the grandkids yesterday with most of the guys still wearing their suspenders several hours after the service. They got a kick out of them!

By this way, this is the first time in a few years that all the grandchildren were together since Tim (who lives in South Dakota) is often missing. If you don't recognize them all grown up, they are, from left to right: Ashley, David, Travis, Zachary, Eric, Timothy, Caryn, Beth, Carter, Tony and Matthew.

Besides the suspenders, headgear was a staple in Dad's wardrobe.

He sported this style of hat in a handful of colors. All a bit cock-eyed, of course. That's what was so entertaining with the grandsons trying on his hats. They mimicked him to a T.

Carter had so much fun wearing the hat and suspenders, he is officially having a Grandpa dress-up day for his first day of finals tomorrow. Not kidding.

We actually had to stop in Eau Claire on our way home from Up North today to see if the mall had a selection to match Grandpa's sense of style. It did!

Carter will be sporting some bright, neon green suspenders (they are actually so trendy now they come in a variety of colors) and a striped bow tie of sorts. Those, too, came in several color choices. Was Grandpa actually a fashion icon??

Didn't see that one coming.

Looks like he really is going to leave a legacy that will live on and on...

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