Monday, April 28, 2014

Ger-MAN vs. FOOD

After two weeks in America, we discovered Lukas is full of it! As in, full of American food! He wanted to take it all on, but I think it's proving to be too much.

We should have gotten a clue the other day when he and a classmate walked to a grocery store after school to get pretzel bread and German cheese. They had their fill of our fried calorie-filled feasts, I guess. The good news for us is if Lukas wants "home" cooking, Lukas has to make it.

So he did.

Wouldn't you love to come home to this top chef after a hard day of work? It sure was a treat!

First, he whipped up some obatzda. I'm sure you've heard of it. Ha. Well in the Bavarian cookbook he gave me, it is referred to as a "savory cheese spread" – great with pretzels or crackers or bread. The key was locating some Camembert cheese in town. After that, it was easy.

And tasty!

He also created some sort of concoction mixing diced zucchini, red peppers, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese – seasoned with rosemary and garlic and olive oil. While those were baking, he toasted some bread in a pan with olive oil and seasoning.

You hungry yet?

After this baked a bit, it was all seasoned and tasty. Trust me. I am the world's pickiest eater and this had such good flavor, I liked it! (Except the cherry tomatoes, which I picked out.) Still good, though.

We could handle this kind of service every night but we still have places to go and food to eat! Everything from Buffalo Wild Wings to frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog. He's got a list, but his head is nowhere near as full as his belly!

We'll have to remember to enjoy the rest of our meals together in moderation.

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