Monday, April 7, 2014

Mild Monday

Mondays are the worst. Day of work, that is. We always have a "print" deadline that day and it always seems the computers don't quite know how to (nor want to) get up to speed after lying dormant all weekend.

So everything slows down while you are trying to speed up to catch up and meet deadlines, etc.

It's been established I am not loaded with patience. The good news is that I had an escape plan today. When something was going wrong -- or I just knew I'd have to sit around and watch a spinning wheel -- I slipped outside for a lap around the building.

With a high temp reaching 63 in Iola, I think I tended to find more reasons for escaping than I needed. It just felt so good to be out and about.

Rained the way home, forcing my quick stops at the library, the pharmacy, the tux store and Wal-Mart to be very quick stops. Or at least quick runs in rain to and from the car. I survived just fine without melting.

Carter had no school today so he got to knock off his penultimate behind-the-wheel session with Driver Dave. Just one more to go. A friend picked him up afterward but when he got home, he complained of some wicked stomach pains so he did not make it to baseball practice. Hopefully he'll be good by tomorrow. I bought an industrial-size bottle of Tums, just in case.

Hopefully it's just a weird, temporary thing. We are just getting over our lingering coughs. We certainly don't need to replace with a new, springtime ailment. We'll be paranoid about allergy attacks the way it is.

Still wouldn't trade the weather for any day we had in December, January, February or March.

Just breath in the fresh air and toughen up!

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