Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Human League

I'm only human
Of flesh and blood I'm made
Born to make mistakes

"I'm Only Human" ~ The Human League

Ever feel like you have to be a superhero or the Greek god Atlas balancing the weight of the world on your shoulders? It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it, right?

Without sounding like I am whining (hopefully), I will share why my one word to describe this week so far is "overwhelming."

An employee in another department at work has left for greener pastures. Since we had the same basic job title, her duties have shifted to me until they can find a replacement. Selfishly, I am dreading this as I wanted a flexible schedule during our foreign visitor's stay, you know? But always a team player, I was willing to help in a pinch.

I just hadn't realized at the time that while our titles are the same, we use a few different computer systems and procedures. I've had quite the crash course while maintaining my work for my "real" job. Yesterday, after a 10-hour day without a lunch break, I was willing to hang up my superhero cape for good.

Stress. Anxious. Overwhelmed.

I was all of that and more. Woke up with a built-in headache, but you know what? My day suddenly got better at one point when I realized I am only human. (Yes, you can find the answers to the world's problems in an '80s song. Did you doubt that??)

I am only human. I am only one person doing two jobs to the best of my ability. I can only do so much and I will do that much to capacity. We'll just have to live with that.

Publishing is not a "life or death" business, thankfully. No one is going to die if a story is posted on the website later than planned "in a perfect world."

It's not a perfect world. But it sure is darn heavy once you start carrying it around.

Don't do that. Trust me.

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