Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Signs of Spring

Today's signs of spring...

I felt like there should have been little green leaves sprouting up along my commute today as I drove my new hybrid to work. Ended up with 47 mpg -- and didn't even go 47 miles! So if I can use less than a gallon each way, we really will see the green!

Saw a long-legged wasp or something crawling outside my window at work. I was thinking the winged pests certainly don't waste time coming around. I mean the snow hasn't even melted away yet. There's just no break between seasons!

And today's final sign of spring.... the infamous tape measure for sizing up Carter for his prom tuxedo! Nothing makes a mom feel old like seeing her son getting measured for a major suit! Who is Carter going with? It's complicated. Our German boy is going with an Assumption girl while Carter is supposedly going with the German girl staying with her. Sort of an opposite double date. I don't know. We'll see what happens over the course of the next few weeks!!

One other sign of spring. It gets dark out later so I am realizing now that it is bedtime for Bonzo! G'night!

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