Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hump Day Headlinez

It's a Boy: Jim and I are expecting another boy! He's due in 2 weeks!! Can't wait to welcome him to our family... And enjoy his company for a few weeks as part of the German-American student exchange program. Seriously we are counting down (with excitement) to our teenager's arrival. We didn't get to pick out our new family member's name, so it's not another C -- but we think Lukas will fit in just fine. Much to do yet around here...

Freedom of Speech: Carter has a speech class this semester. Like most people who fear public speaking, he is not a fan. Today, though, he came home and was pretty pumped about his performance. He felt he connected with his audience and he actually entertained rather than bored them. That Austin charm is underrated!

Price Tags: Carter's old babysitter is having her annual "first sale in the area" garage sale next weekend, April 11-13. So I have been busy gathering up the items that were stored from last year and pricing new things to try and sell. While it is an ideal time to keep in my de-cluttering frame of mind, it just seems time consuming. The good news for my house is that what doesn't sell will go to a garage sale fundraiser in May to make money for the students (including Carter) going to Germany in 2015. What doesn't sell there is going to Goodwill. Not back in my house. In a round about way, I am making progress.

Think Spring: This Saturday we are having a joint birthday party for my mom and her sister Melvina. Mom also wants it to be considered an "I survived Winter" party since she feels bad about what we had to suffer through while she was in Texas for 2 months. Apparently, just so she can feel like a true "survivor" this Saturday, Ol' Man Winter is blasting the Northwoods with another storm that could bring 8-14 inches of heavy, wet snow. By the time we all get there for the party, we really will feel like survivors. Albeit, disgruntled ones.

Thing Spring Part 2: We in central Wisconsin will also get some aspect of that Thursday/Friday storm, probably more on the rain and sleet side. Carter's first baseball game is scheduled for Friday. Should we start a pool on when we think the season will actually begin? Sigh...

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