Thursday, January 26, 2017

Captured Moment

Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do. ~ Edgar Degas (1834-1917)

Have you ever heard of "Brush and Babble" paint parties? Basically, you hold a paint brush and babble with friends. They tout them as an avenue to socialize and be creative and, most importantly for me, "no paint skills necessary!"

I've been wanting to try it out once, since they offer them quite regularly in the area, but haven't had the chance. Until tonight.

My friend Cindy was planning to attend Palette Pleasers at The Mead Inn with her mom, but when her mom felt under the weather, I stepped in to take her brush and palette. Tonight's featured projected was called "Captured Moment." A winter scene with a deer. I won't show you the teachers' finished product because I don't need mine compared to it!

The event seats about 50 of us and we all start with a clean slate. A blank, white canvas, the two brushes and pencil above, and tonight, just a blob of three colors.

How can we create something with just 3 colors? Magic. And science, I guess.

Forgive the shadows from the light behind me. Was going to do a step by step, but got behind and too involved. The hardest part was mixing the paints to come up with the ideal color. We needed a blue-gray for the background and started with a lighter gray for the first trees.

Then we added a much darker gray for other trees. After that it was snowballs and snowflakes and a deer. We could trace a deer stencil but had to do our own horns. I had to let go of my perfectionism after the first crooked tree. Then it was just keeping pace and trying not to screw up too badly.

From where I was sitting – up close and personal with my canvas – it looked like a kindergartner's finger painting. But when it was done and we stepped back, it was like.... Wow. I did that?

Cindy and I with our finished masterpieces. Does that look like a "Captured Moment" to you? I think it'll pass.

Am I pleased with my Palette Pleasers palette? It'll do. Good enough to hang in my office with some of Carter's grade school masterpieces!

Good thing I put my initials on there to clear up any confusion in my gallery.

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