Friday, January 13, 2017

Football Feasting

Just because you cheer for a losing football team doesn't mean the fun is over when they're not in the playoffs. A person's gotta eat, don't they?

We had an indoor tail-gating party at work today cleverly disguised as a Packer potluck. More accurately, it was a generic pre-playoff party since there is one Dallas Cowboy fan in our department. He dutifully distributed Cowboy Bandwagon application forms this week, but the response was not something I could reprint here.

For the record, I am not jumping on any bandwagon. I wore my very neutral Maui hoodie to work so I would not offend either side and would be allowed to eat brats, chips and some very tasty "Texas Sheath" cake, which is just known as a very large chocolate sheet cake in the rest of the country.

Good stuff!

It's after 9 p.m. and I am still full. So it's kind of not fair that I could put on the "football five" and I am not even emotionally invested.

Pretty sure I won't change my mind in that regard so don't get any ideas. I'll stick with my Purple.

Feast or famine.

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