Monday, January 30, 2017

Make You Wonder

Well the secret's out now. I. Am. Wonder. Woman.

As in, I do a lot of things that make you wonder!

Of course, it's fun to pretend I have super powers. Especially in kickboxing class when we are punching, kicking and deflecting our invisible attackers. I could save the world on a good day. Believe in me.

Since I was out of town this weekend so I missed the open house and demonstrations at my kickboxing place. I guess there was a great turnout and new people signed up for class. That's awesome. Tonight the veterans got the night off so our instructor could orientate the newbies. I figured I better get a workout in so I hopped on the treadmill after work.

Talk about things that make ME wonder! I wonder why I signed up for a 5-mile race in just a little over a month.

I am grateful that my WONDER-ful friend Chris is sort of in the same boat. We agreed we are eliminating the word "race" from our vocabulary. It's a 5-mile "fun run." We will be running it with plenty of walk & talk breaks – that will be the "fun" part. And when we finish – because, well, you have to finish – we will definitely feel like Wonder Women!

Right now, I am appreciating that we are gaining daylight so hopefully I can get some running done outside. I despise the boring "dreadmill," but it was too cold and snowy today. And since we'll be back to below zero later in the week, I suspect I better make friends with Mr. Treadmill.

Don't worry, Mr. Deck Chair. Even in the winter, nothing will come between us. Come spring, I just don't want you to wonder if I ate my way through your hibernation.

Not so Wonderful.

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