Thursday, January 5, 2017

Trust Issues

When my cell phone rang at work this afternoon, the first thing I noticed was that I forgot to change my "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" ring tone. The second thing I noticed was that the call was coming from Washington, D.C.


When I don't recognize a number, I always let it go to voicemail. I figure if it is someone I know, they'll leave a message. If it's a telemarketer, scammer or automated call of some sort, there won't be a message. 9 times out of 10, make that 9.75 times out of 10, there is no message because they fall into one of those categories.

Today, though, that D.C. caller left a voicemail. And, if I hadn't been on top of my Anti-Trust High Alert game, I might have been freaked out. Apparently the IRS is suing me and if I don't call back they'll let the local authorities know so they can arrest me. Whoa.

It just happened that I recently heard or read a news story about this scam so I was free of guilt when I deleted the message. Not this time, scammers!

These guys are persistent, though, and sent a follow-up text. I had to screen shot it to share.

It is kind of scary how official-sounding they attempt to be. It's just downright sad that these are the times we live in. We don't know whom to trust. Who is truly official, who is being helpful, who is out to get us or whatever they can from us.

Years ago when we gave hubby's parents a computer, my mother-in-law staunchly declared that they were not getting the Internet. "We don't want that in our house," she said, as if the virtual hand of evil was going to reach through the monitor and grab their morals, their soul, maybe their wallet. 

She might have been onto something. Our security gets threatened through cell phones, land lines, emails and the Internet. I even worry about my blog sometimes. There's probably some thugs out there who could use it to turn my life upside down. Do I quit and let them win? Or do I take the risk?

Frankly, I am not going to quit using my phone, television or any of my electronic devices. Then there's the fact that once something is on the Internet, it's there forever. Crap. What was I thinking starting a DAILY blog nearly 10 years ago?

Other than my IRS lawsuit, I hope there is nothing incriminating to warrant getting my assets frozen.

With these below-zero temperatures, my assets already frozen!

Be careful out there.

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