Sunday, January 1, 2017

Making the Point

There are too many areas of improvement for me to drill down a list that represents New Year's resolutions. So I'll pass, thanks.

I could say "I resolve to improve" and that would cover a whole gamut of personal categories. But I'll just say I desire or I want or I will strive... that's my aim. I hadn't planned anything more specific until a kind of, sort of resolution fell in my lap.

My friend Chris, who I ran a half-marathon with 5 years ago, messaged me shortly after noon that she had signed up for the Point Bock race and wanted me to join her. Now the Point Bock is a coveted race. It falls the first weekend in March and is limited to just 2,000 runners. Oh, and the 5-mile route starts and ends at the Point Brewery. There you have the attraction!

For those of us not motivated by a free beer after the race, it still is fun because it's a large crowd, a nice middle distance beyond a sprinting 5K, and the first "free" T-shirt of the season.

Registration used to be open in January and you'd mail your money and info. Now, of course, it's online and has been filling up within days, actually one day, and actually hours. So it's tough to make it into the Point unless you are on the ball. When Chris messaged me, I said to hubby, "Well that's weird that she could register. Usually they don't open it until New Year's Day."

Where's my head? I swear I only drank soda last night!

When I figured out it is, in fact, New Year's Day, I quickly got registered and made the Point. Thankfully, despite my misgivings about my ability to run even half of it, I acted quickly because the race filled up in record time this year... one hour, 44 minutes! Seriously? 2,000 people woke up New Year's Day and the first thing they thought of was a 5-mile run?


So my "half" sister and I will have to dust off our treadmills and see what we can do. I now have a definitive goal for 2017. Well, the first 2 months, anyway. If I just concentrate on this, maybe some of my other areas needing improvement will see some results, too.

Perhaps I am motivated best when others do the motivating for me. Maybe these mysterious "others" would like to do the training for me, too?

I know. I gotta get my head on straight. Happy NEW YEAR!! 2017... right?

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