Tuesday, January 3, 2017

In Focus

Wouldn't it be great if somebody loved to take photos AND capture images in words AND combined them in a blog? Whoa. Are you ready for this?

Since I am a scrapbooker, I have this habit of taking photos of everything. Not just special occasions, but photos that reflect everyday life. Now with the advent of these fancy smart phones – with the camera built right in! – it sort of gets out of hand.

So, yeah, I've got a ton of random images I could tie in with some random inspiration in my blog. And I think I will, thanks for asking. Ha. It will be my "In Focus" segment. Photos will be in focus, obviously, and I can focus on a related subject.

Today In Focus: The hibiscus.

The hibiscus is Hawaii's state flower, which is no surprise considering their prevalence on the island. It is also the national flower of Haiti and is used in their national tourism slogan of "Haiti: Experience It!" 

We can take a cue from that slogan as we enter a new year. Don't wait for 2017 to bring you an experience. Take it!

Many of us wait for the perfect time to do something. Don't. You might miss out. If hubby and I had waited until we had more time, more money and perfect beach bodies, we never would have made it to Maui. Well, maybe not never, but definitely not last month.

If I waited for my house to be big enough, clean enough, de-cluttered and in order, I would miss out on visits with friends and family who drop by. We would have missed the joy of hosting a student from Germany for a month and the most recent privilege of giving our nephew Tony a roof over his head and new opportunities.

Yet I have regrets over the many things I did not do, the relationships I did not nurture, the chances I did not take.

How about you? You ready to grab hold of 2017 and EXPERIENCE IT?

Baby steps, leaps of faith, dancing like nobody's watching... Let's do this.

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