Monday, January 23, 2017

Wood County Choppers

If you are wondering why we actually prefer snow in Wisconsin to, say, mixed precipitation, this photo illustration should give you a clue.

Had we gotten 8 or 10 or even 12 inches of snow a week ago instead of one measly inch of ice, it would be gone by now. No matter what the temperature, it would have at least been removed from the driveways, sidewalks and roadways and placed somewhere else.

Instead, over the course of the week, more rain and drizzle and sleet added to the base layer and all outdoor surfaces became ice skating rinks.

So even though I showed you a picture of the driveway partially clear the other day, it has been a slow process to clear the rest. All of us able-bodied adults in the house have taken turns with the ice scraper chopper thing. It's not as fun or easy as it looks.

Yesterday, since the temps were mild, I took a swing at it. First I had gone out for a run since the main roads were finally clear enough. But, due to the lake-like driveway and road, it took me 5-6 minutes to shuffle out of the subdivision and onto Deer Road. When I got back home, I figured I might as well take a turn since I was already warmed up and sweating.

After chopping and then shoveling the heavy, wet ice after chopping, I was convinced that scraper thing must weigh 20 pounds. (Tony says I'm exaggerating.) I could feel it in my triceps, though. And, I got 10,000 steps yesterday with most of those coming from my arm movements, I think!

All that work and hubby didn't notice. Ha. I made sure to point it out.

Today, I could see he hacked away at some. When I got home from kickboxing, I chopped a little but mostly took the shovel to the whole driveway to clear off the top layer of slush. Yes, slush can be heavy. I thought it would only take 20 minutes but it was twice that. I don't know if I'll be capable of lifting my arm and hitting the snooze in the morning!

Hopefully, with 3 more days of temps predicted to be above freezing, we can chop the rest of this mess away.

Just in time for the next blizzard probably.

Who loves winter? Raise your hand! (If you are physically able, that is.)

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