Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Blues

I've got the Sunday night blues. More specifically, the day before vacation blues.

If I wanted to get right down to details... it's the depressing seeing the blue radar images blues. Only because it's what's between me and the airport!

Although the flakes are just starting to hit the ground in central Wisconsin, the forecast (at this moment) is calling for a few inches of them to hit the ground here. Last projection was 3-5 inches overnight. Meanwhile, somewhere near or just south of the airport in Minneapolis, there is a pocket of 7-9 inches predicted.

Uff da.

The good news is that it is supposedly going to be done early in the day. Therefore, Snow Drivers, you will have plenty of time to clear a path from Blue Jay Drive to the Hubert H Humphrey terminal! PLEASE!

I did get some 5 hours of work in today so that I wouldn't have to get tied down to my desk all day tomorrow. I pretty much was all packed by 3:30 p.m., too. Carter is going to wait until tomorrow. He has that luxury. I'm glad to have it done, but it just makes me more anxious to get going.

One more sleep! Then so long, Blues!

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