Thursday, March 30, 2017

When Life Hands You Lemon Bars

Got this nice surprise from my boss, who knows first hand that life has been handing us lemons! Lately my ratio of life to lemons is beyond lemonade, though. I'm thinking more along the lines of lemon bars.

They probably take a lot of lemons. But I've never actually made them. I just eat them!

Last week I was at a potluck and there were lemon bars. The good kind with the tasty frosting, not just powdered sugar. I had a full plate but said, in defense I guess, "I have to have a lemon bar. I only get them at potlucks and graduation parties!"

It was sheer coincidence (or pure luck) that there also were lemon bars at my cousin's benefit on Saturday. Again, "I have to have a lemon bar. I only get them at potlucks and graduation parties. Oh, and fundraisers!"

Of course, eating too many lemon bars (and other assorted and quite delicious baked goods) is only one of the "lemons" I'm dealing with this week! On one hand, that lemon prompted me to get out and exercise, walk, run, kickbox, whatever. But by Wednesday, another "lemon" canceled that one out.

Had too much work to do to get to kickboxing class and it was raining so I couldn't get in a quick walk or run. No Lenten service either. And, of course, finding time to blog was out of the question. It's not that I ever have anything to say. I just think that when life hands me lemons, my "lemonade" is writing. I squeeze the creative juices (and stress) out and feel refreshed.

But dang. Nothing compares to those lemon bars!

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