Saturday, January 18, 2020

Not Exactly Chillin' Out

Some heroes wear capes. Some wear Carhartts.

Was grateful for two things today. One, that we probably only got 4 or 5 inches of snow instead of 10. And two, that hubby is such a skilled snowblower operator that he could handle the driveway all by himself. Did not have to blow or shovel or anything detrimental to my back – which by the way, felt pretty good today. Must have been that long, hot, Epsom salt bath!

While he was doing the very chilly outdoor chores, I handled some indoor ones – including getting the last of the Christmas stuff down. I took it down in the basement to put it away in the closet under the steps and suddenly caught the Marie Kondo bug and thought: Do all of these Christmas decorations under the stairs bring me joy?

Short answer: No. They don't.

So I emptied the big closet into Carter's room (ha) and will put back what we'll keep. For sure our artificial skinny tree and the wooden Nativity set, but the rest is up for debate. It's our seasonal closet so I'm chucking (or donating) some Easter and Halloween stuff I don't use either.

I discovered two boxes in the back of the closet that we must have put in there when we moved, cough, in uhm 2001. The one labeled "Living Room – Fragile" I peaked at quick, just put in my trunk and took to Goodwill along with a few bags of stuff I also haven't looked at in almost two decades and will never, ever use.

The Christmas stuff, though, I hopefully can donate to the local humane society. They have a fundraising Christmas bazaar each year so I'm waiting to hear from them if I can drop off donations now. Otherwise, they'll have to go to Goodwill or end up riding in my trunk for months – like the bagful of purses I got rid of today!

We both took the afternoon and evening "off" (wait, it's Saturday!) and enjoyed a hoops double-header at Assumption. Our girls team beat Pacelli by 30 points and our boys lost in OT. Darn. Pretty exciting, though!

With temps just making double digits, it was a great way to warm up.

So much better than morning laps around the driveway. I mean, not that I would personally know anything about it. But I'll take hubby's word.

Hopefully tomorrow we just chill out without the chill!

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