Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Princess Hooks-A-Lot

Ever since the NFL Wild Card game – which seems like a lifetime ago – Princess Pukes-A-Lot has been camping out on the Vikings blanket on my recliner. Granted, her human has laid it out nicely for her comfort, so it's tempting in a soft and fuzzy, comfortable way.

The problem for me is that she's gotten pretty bold on a chair she would rarely sit on before. I got off the chair briefly and she jumped up in my place, snuggled right up to that plush ball of yarn, as if she was going to grab my crochet hook and pick up where I left off.

She didn't. Hooking isn't her thing.

We all know that pooping and puking are her thing. And she came through today. Thankfully, I was done with my project and the yarn was put away.

Because yes, she puked on that blanket much like the Vikings threw up on their chances for a playoff victory. How fitting.

With an immediate trip to the washing machine, the blanket will be as good as new. My team though? Let's hope they have 9 lives like Princess Pukes-A-Lot.

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