Thursday, January 30, 2020

Twist and Shout

It takes a special kind of person to wrestle. Like someone who loves pain and getting their body twisted up like a pretzel. Ouch.

Just as the photographer, a bystander, it's painful to watch. Mostly I'm just zooming in and hoping to capture some action or expression. Tonight, when I saw this guy's face seconds before the final period was done, it looked like real. Serious. Pain.

Like arm getting ripped off or at least pulled out of joint kind of pain. Uff da.

There is so much yelling going on by fans and coaches that I couldn't hear if he really was twisted up and shouting – or no sound could come out. I imagined primal screams, though.

He lost his match by decision (I know, I sound like I know the sport now. I don't.), positioning our joint Assumption and Nekoosa wrestling team two points behind Adams-Friendship with one match to go. It was up to Benny, one of our Assumption boys. I'll spare you from looking at any more painful pictures. Bottom line...

He won by decision and our team won by one point! Nice job! Note that there can be happy, nice, non-painful pictures of the sport. I'm sure all the guys that I know on the team would love to finish each match with a smile!

And nice shout of exultation instead of excruciation.

God bless you, wrestlers!

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