Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday Twins-Day

Sometimes a throwback photo comes across your social media channel and you just have giggle. Yup. That's my twin Raylene on the left and me on the right. Obviously, still working that same body shape and the need to curl my hair.

When I first posted this a few years back, my prose went something like this:

There once was a little girl who had a little curl
in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, she was very good.
But when she was bad... She blamed her twin!

Sounds about right. Have we outgrown that? Not necessarily. Do we look any closer to being twins these days?

Not really, either. Speaking of twins, though. Well ALMOST twins... People often think Carter and his cousin Colin are brothers. I just don't see it. Do you?

Both photos taken within the last week. My nephew Colin on the left and my boy on the right. Aren't they both lucky to have inherited the Austin smirk, those charming brown eyes and dimples, and those big hearts?

Love them both dearly. No wonder my heart lights up so much when I see my nephew. It's like a bonus virtual hug from my long-distance baby!

And of course I feel that way about my twin, too. Curl or no curl.

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