Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Monday-est Thursday

The challenge of re-entering the workforce after a 10-day weekend is that it feels like a Monday... after a 10-day weekend. Even if it's Thursday.

That foreign sound I heard this morning? That was the first alarm I've set since December 20th. Uhm. Yeah. It was a rude awakening.

Get to work and I have put up a new calendar, learn how to use our new coffee shop, and remember that long password I was "required" to reset the day before my long weekend. Uffda.

Still, it was good to be back in a normal setting where I actually had makeup on, curled hair, and was wearing shoes, socks and real pants. And my mindless eating was cut down considerably, even though I had to dip into the candy dish to even out my normal intake of holiday baked goods and calorie-filled treats. I did have my come-to-Jesus meeting with the scale this morning so that habit is gonna have to stop.

Just another year. Another list of the same types of resolutions. Since you legally can only start a diet on a Monday, I'll wait with that one. I did get 10,000 steps today. Since I realized you can't have a streak until you have more than one day, I made sure it became two days of 10K in a row. That's not something I did at all on my 10-day weekend!

I can handle one more day of 10K before the next weekend starts.

Even though it was the Monday-est Thursday today, I sure like that my "Tuesday" is Friday already! Hang in there, folks!

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