Friday, May 1, 2020

May Day, May Day

Since March and April seemed about 5 years long EACH, we can only hope May gets credit for being the good month! It always starts off great for this family anyway.

While most people think of April showers and May flowers or May Day baskets or dancing around the May Pole, we think of this little brown-eyed bandit!

Yup, our May Day surprise 22 years ago! Wow. Somebody is getting old! I realize 22 is not really the cute and cuddly age, but I'll take hugs and cuddles from Mr. Dimples any time. Any age!

We knew we weren't going to see him on his birthday or birthday weekend, but Carter's girlfriend took care of his celebration. She had a little surprise party last night for Carter and his roommate Jack, whose birthday was yesterday. (What are the odds, right?) Notice she found a cute toddler picture of each of them AND made them each wear a button that says, "Birthday Girl." She did pretty good. Ha!

I celebrated his birthday by finally making my way to King Cone! I took the long way. Stopped at Urbans Greenhouse in Rudolph to get hanging baskets of flowers. Then cut over on Hwy. 66 to Point to stop at Dunham's for a sale item they didn't have. But I did get to take part in a strange interaction there...

Walking into the store and an older guy exiting says: "Whoever said Plover doesn't have anything beautiful was lying."
Me: "Pardon?"
Him: "You take my breath away!"
Me: "Uhm, thanks!"

As I walk away with a grin on my face... behind my stinkin' face mask! Wait. What the heck, dude? What just happened?

Maybe I have small-but-pretty eyes. Or maybe I should just check my ego at the door.

Either way, King Cone solves everything! And is the perfect way to celebrate our baby's special day and this hopefully merry, merry month of May.

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