Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Warm Regards

As the warmest day of the year (to date) descended upon central Wisconsin, I vowed to soak up every minute of it. And work 8 hours, of course.

I had my office windows open before 9 a.m. even. So I was able to work to the sounds of birds singing (they're less annoying than at 5:30 a.m.) and the wind chimes accompanying them. It was nice.

And difficult.

I'm glad I got into a strict work-from-home routine from the get-go. It has steeled my resolve for days like these. Days when I go outside to eat my lunch and it takes every ounce of willpower to come back in!

But I did.

Then, to further test us, our boss let our team out for recess. Seriously. It was a directive. We'll skip our meeting. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine. We could all use some vitamin D.

Indeed! 74 degrees. Not turning down that opportunity.

That was a harder return to work after that. I was really, really comfortable in Mr. Deck Chair! But I powered through the last hour inside and realized there is going to be a heckuva lot of nice days ahead. Gotta stay strong! Hope you are, too!

The good news is it's lighter out later so there are plenty after-hours opportunities when it's quittin' time. Like last night I had a marathon church council meeting. Yay. And tonight I had an enjoyable book club meeting via Zoom. Yay for real.

I miss people! But the sun sure helps my attitude. My flowers like it, too. And so do Jim's flowers.

Sunshine means everybody wins!

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