Friday, May 8, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend :: Part 1

I took the afternoon off since I have plenty of vacation that I haven't used yet, thanks to 'Rona. Plus, I thought, "Happy Mother's Day Weekend to me," right? Well, sort of.

The first part of Mother's Day Weekend involves prep work. I had to take care of my mom first. Thankfully she called and she got her flowers delivered today. I said, "That counts as your card, too. I didn't mail one." Yup, laziest daughter.

Secondly, is prep work for the weekend. Tomorrow we're headed down to Platteville to deliver some stuff Carter needs for his summer internship. Since he'll be studying for finals next weekend, we figured we'd better interrupt him this one. So we're bringing lunch to grill out in celebration of his belated birthday and Mother's Day (that was my idea, ha).

So I ran up to Ski's Meats and got some specialty bratwursts in our fave flavors: Bloody Mary Brat, Caribbean Jerk Brat, Bacon Brat, and Buffalo Bleu Chicken Brat. They're the best!

Then I heard the news on the street that King Cone in Wisconsin Rapids is now open, so...

C'mon. Pretty much state law that I had to go!

Got some for my appetizer for dinner since I'd already ordered my main course...

Yup, our movie theater sells big bags of its yummy popcorn on Fridays. I ordered Wednesday and just had to drive up and get it this evening. Unfortunately, I was so full from ice cream that even though the movie The Art of Racing in the Rain was nearly 2 hours, I still wasn't hungry to have any. I did manage to sneak some to taste it for quality control. Two thumbs up on the popcorn and the movie.

Then I had to finish the prep for lunch tomorrow. Buns and chips are bagged up. Apple-Snicker Salad is made. And so is dessert.

Thanks to Dairy Queen, you knew this was on my mind these days! Hope it stays somewhat intact for the 3-hour drive!

I also whipped together some leave-behind treats for Carter and company...

These Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip cookies and some Mega Stuffed Oreo Rice Krispie bars (has mix of the Oreo cereal and Rice Krispies).

And that's about it. I've done my part. I will now commence to enjoying Mother's Day Weekend. You do the same!

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