Monday, May 18, 2020

Zooming In

One positive about this virus and quarantine is that the timing couldn't be better. I mean seriously, I get to see my team at work every day thanks to modern technology like Skype and Zoom meetings. It definitely gives me a reason to shower and comb my hair every morning!

And then there's your creative friends who not only make you a purple facemask to wear in public, but also a purple Zoom shirt to wear for your Zoom meetings. Oh yes, it's a thing!

Who's the luckiest work-from-home employee? This girl! Thanks to my friend Cindy I am styling at my 8:30 a.m. team meeting! She used her new Cricut to make my "This is my Zoom meeting shirt"! The shirt's awesome and she's awesome!

As much as people were impressed with the debut today, I can't wear it every time I have a Zoom meeting. Let me work on the daily shower routine first. Then we'll work up to regular laundry!

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