Thursday, May 21, 2020

Some COVID Relief

When you say the quarantine will cause people's "true colors" to come out, you might mean how they handle stress, how much patience they have, how helpful they are. When I say true colors will come out, I mean that little strip of silver in your hair that grows wider by the day.

The one good thing about the status of things in Wisconsin is that today I got my COVID-19 relief...

Can you tell I'm smiling behind the mask? Yup. Many hair salons are now open – with restrictions. At my favorite chair, the hair artist and the customer most both wear a mask. So worth it. So very, very worth it!

Not just because of color equality in my head, but just doing something normal. What a relief. I said to my artist, "I just love sitting in this chair because it's not in my house! I feel like it's Robyn's Day Out!"

A treat for sure. For the magicians, though, they are slammed. More than 2 months worth of cut, color and curl chicks want their chair time. And now. And a lot of men (not in this house) do, too. Be patient, you'll get your appointment long before the rest of this nightmare is over.

And definitely before I show my true colors again!

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