Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Silver Linings

Saw these clouds through the driver-side window when we were coming back from Platteville on Saturday. Any time I see the actual sun streaks, I feel like God is sending his spirit down on us. In silver linings you can see. Letting light shine through on our darkest days.

For a lot of people in quarantine, those days are now.

I read something interesting recently that was a good reminder about this pandemic. It stressed that we're not on all in the same boat. We're all in the same storm. But we each have our boat we are trying to steer and keep afloat.

For example, the Blue Jay Drive Boat is something like this...

Quarantine Day 64: I tripped over the cat today. Didn't fall. We were both just startled. And both of us yelped. Hubby did not ask me, "Are you OK?" Instead, he looks sympathetically at Sylvester and says, "Tell her to go back to Stevens Point! There's too many people in this house!"

Silver lining? Thank God we each have our own offices in this house. And, thank God, according to something else I read somewhere recently, "This too shall pass."

So how's it going in YOUR quarantine boat?

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