Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Non-Arctic Cat

You want to know what puts the F in Forecast? I'll tell you. Frigid. And maybe another F word. Like Frozen. As in highs in the single digits only for the next week. Uff da.

Good thing Sylvester (my solar sister) and I have the answer: Heat.

It's no secret we both love the sun – whether it's sitting on Mr. Deck Chair or laying on a rug in front of a sunlit window (that would be her, not me. We just like the warmth. As in can't stand to be cold! Ask Mr. Heated Mattress Pad about that. He never gets a day off. 

And I honestly don't have to fight over the thermostat setting while working from home. Hubby and I are pretty sure we've reached the age we feel the cold in our bones. I'm starting to get why "older" ladies wear sweaters in the summer. We must gradually lose our natural insulation as we age. 

One non-guilty pleasure in our house is the in-floor heating in our bathroom in our master bedroom. On cold winter mornings like we're having now, it's so nice to walk from the carpet right onto those heated tiles. Ahhh. So glad we spoiled ourselves when we renovated the bathroom a few years back.

You know who hasn't noticed this hot spot? Sylvester. 

Seriously, my sun-seeking sister did not notice until this winter. All these times she's followed her human to the bathroom. She always stayed outside the door and let him do his business in private. This winter, though, she must have accidentally followed him all the way in and suddenly was like, "Whoa. This is warm and cozy and amazing! And look, there's two rugs in the house I haven't layered in hair yet! Maybe I'll stay a bit." 

And she did.

Tonight I lost track of her while Jim was gone and I was working on some photos while watching boys basketball on my tablet and watching This Is Us on TV. It wasn't until I was going to go brush my teeth that I found her.

And she was sitting right in front of the toilet instead of the other rug by the sink! Based on the projected low of at least 16 below zero tonight, I forecast little movement. 

Of course, the 83-year-old (in human years) is thin-skinned like us old folks. She'll get too hot before too long. I'm just glad I discovered the joys of heat – and how to fake create it – before I got old like her!

Bundle up, kids!

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