Thursday, February 4, 2021

Seven-Layer Snow Day

Spoiler alert: Those human prognosticators were right. We were in the 4-8 inches zone and we closed in on 7 inches just as it was getting dark. It was still coming down, but since the wind was starting to blow things sideways, I wanted to measure before drifting was a factor.

We'll see what the officials weather reporters say later or tomorrow.

It was an actual snow day for our local kids. Knowing there was overnight freezing rain setting an icy foundation under the snow, everyone was advised to stay home today. One of those days I was grateful to be in our soft, snowy lockdown here.

Also grateful I'm not a short little weiner dog making my way through the neighborhood. Poor Charlie! Go home, little guy!

And grateful hubby took command of the snowblower at the end of the day.

Uff da! Feeling cold yet?

That wind!

For my part, I stayed out of the way. Watched a little golf on TV and compared my back steps to the church pew bunker at the Phoenix Open. I also watched another episode of Bridgerton on Netflix and, quite possibly, may watch another. 

If 7 inches of snow can't give some of us a real snow day off, we can pretend. And squeeze the fun and relaxation into the 7 (well 5) hours after work. Enjoy this winter wonderland.

Be super careful out there. Watch for ice. And little dogs, too.

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