Sunday, May 22, 2022

Showers Of Blessings

I love spending time with family. And it's even more fun when we're celebrating the upcoming addition of a new member! Looking forward to welcoming a great-niece in August. Actually, based on the enthusiasm at the baby shower yesterday, quite a few are excited about my nephew Travis and Michelle's blessing.

Special occasions always call for a trifle, of course! And pretty in pink!

My sister RoAnn and I had so much creative fun planning this. Our food had a baby theme with wraps. Grab a blanket to get started...

Add some clothes... Baby shower tip: Use cookie cutters to cut your cheese slices! 

Had other "stations" too, ending with a chance to fill up a bottle (or cup) with punch or coffee. Also played Baby BINGO and a game I made up where you draw a name, that person draws a lollipop from the centerpiece and reads or does what the note on it says.

We never did get to the one asking who will spoil the baby more – Mommy, Daddy, or Big Sister. I think it'll be a tie!

They all helped with opening gifts. So many cute baby girl things!!!!

Got my blanket finished. It's big sister-approved! She loved a LOT of the gifts!

Very nice afternoon! I hit the road around 4 p.m. And then again after turning around 5 miles down the road to go back and get my suitcase. Duh me! Just wanted to get back to Rapids before dark.

Because of deer, you know! What are the odds I'd see two white ones when I was 9/10 of the way through the drive? Wow. I had to stop and takes some pictures. No surprise.

Met up with Jim at Homestead Golf Course to celebrate our friends' retirement. They sold the golf course and are moving onto the next chapter of their lives. Saw a lot of people we knew. That was fun. Got home too late to think about blogging, but tonight will be even later. 

Heading down to La Crosse to see Riverdance with some girlfriends. Very excited! Gonna toe-tap that right off my bucket list! 

Have a great Sunday.

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