Monday, May 23, 2022

Tapped Out

Now that my feet have stopped tapping, I can sit down and blog! Since Riverdance has been touring for 25 years, I may be among the last people to finally cross it off my Bucket List. But it was worth the wait.

Our foursome of Royals Class of 2016 moms left Rapids around 3 p.m. so we had time to eat dinner in La Crosse before the 7 p.m. show. After filling up on endless breadsticks at Olive Garden, we were ready to burn off the carbs with some serious toe tapping.

What an entertaining show!

I've always been impressed with tap-dancing when you see it high skill levels. And these Irish dancers were taking it to new levels. Just so cool to watch! Plus there were instrumental numbers with various Celtic instruments – pipes and drums I didn't quite recognize, plus a violin (or was it a fiddle) and more – along with a fantastic soloist.

Throughout it, there was the underlying story of being at one with the earth in Ireland and then emigrating to America and finding a home. You probably should just Google a video if you've never seen it. I'm not sure how the dancers are physically capable of some of the moves they did, but I'm pretty sure I won't try any of them at home!

I am pretty tapped out, though. (Pun intended.) Three late nights in a row and I need to sashay to bed. Slowly and carefully!

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